Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nathan's Letter to Santa

My name is Nathan and I am a 14 month old boy. While my parents, family members and Santa may bring me toys and clothes for Christmas there are a few things I would love to receive. Since my parents have an inability to understand my shrieks and incessant pointing I figured I'd write it all out for them. (P.S. I'm pretty sure yelling 'DAD' means 'look it's Dad', 'Change my diaper' AND 'I want a cookie'...) Without further ado, I present my Christmas wishlist:

1. I want to eat the dog's food. Mom just doesn't understand. She tells me 'No' (whatever that means) and always takes away the dogs bowls when I start munching. Why are they on the floor if I shouldn't touch it? Why can the dogs eat it and I can't? It's just not fair. 
2. I want to peel the water damage on Dad's side table. I don't know why this is so much fun, but I'm sure if Dad tried it with me instead of making me stop he would understand. 

3. I don't want to wear pants. Ever. Mom puts them on me every morning, and I have to insist they come off by lunch time for the remainder of the day. Why bother putting them on in the first place? I can get around a lot faster and it's SO much easier to take my diaper off without them! (Mom seems to let me go without pants now if I run over to my potty. She just hasn't caught on that it's just a ploy to make her take these darn pants off so I can get up and run as fast as I can!)

4. I want all the keys in the world. I can smell them on you when you walk through the door. Just give them to me and let me push the panic button on your car remote, then let me hide them in your shoes. (It's my Christmas wish- would you really deny a 14 month old his Christmas wish? I don't think so.)

5. I want to touch EVERYTHING. A few of the places and things I want to touch: electrical outlets, the dogs nose, anything Mom is trying to eat, power cords... really anything I can get my hands on. I have no fear. 

6. I want to chew on my parents cell phones. Mom says I already ruined one, and I took a good sized chunk out of Dad's Otter box case, but it feels good on my gums. Just let it happen. 

7. I want a HUGE box fort. Mom left a large box unattended the other day and I moved right in with my blanket and snack. The box has since disappeared and I want it back... and then some. 

8. Shoes. Let me explain: I want to chew on everyone's shoes, carry them around by the laces, hide things in them, and mess up all of Moms organization. I like making it hard for Dad to go to work in the morning because I've tightened his laces too much. I love chewing on the velcro on my Nikes. I just like shoes and don't want to be disturbed when I am fiddling with them.

9. I want the lawn mower to move when I push it. The darn thing is just too heavy. Dad can do it! Why can't I?!

10. No more car seat, I want to drive! While we're at it- Make the car a Corvette! (Okay, that one's really for Dad, but I still don't like sitting in that darn car seat!)

So, there you have it. I promise I've been a good boy this year! Who could say 'No' to this face?

Love, Nathan